Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Its an interesting farm movie to watch and to listen the nice song behind. Use the means of GOD will give the BLESSINGS.


This is my first movie design for our practice. Stop, listen and enjoy watching.

Alien Song

My first MTV song as our practice

This is the song that inspired the OFW to work far from thier family just to enhance the needs of thier love once. Every man is the architect of his own like, He who thinks far, goes far.

The New Post of Blog

I never thought I'd see the day when the hour is up.
GOD is the only one capable of relieving us of all miseries in life.
HAPPINESS is found in doing not merely in possessing.
HE who can have patience can have what he will.

The Shining Star

The Shining Star is my title that i choose. It referred to myself. Since in this Tulay program i discovered myself more anxious to know the computer program. I know more how to create my facebook file to win friends and to invite friends from other places. To make own website for further enhancement in my life.